Imeko yeseva
A server case is more than just a protective shell; it is an essential component that directly affects the performance of the server case. Ngokutyala imali kwityala eliphezulu leseva elinezisombululo ezipholileyo ezifanelekileyo kunye noyilo olucingayo, imibutho inokuqinisekisa ukuba iiseva zawo zisebenza ekusebenzeni kokusebenza kakuhle, ekugqibeleni zanda nemveliso kunye nokuthembeka.
- Inkcazo yemveliso Esazisa ubuchule butsha kwitekhnoloji yeseva: I-2U Server Server Server, yenzelwe ukuhlangabezana neemfuno ezifunwayo zamaziko edatha yanamhlanje. This state-of-the-art chassis is designed to provide the best cooling solution while ensuring maximum efficiency and reliability. Ngokwandisa ubunzima bomsebenzi weseva kunye nemfuno yokuphucula ulawulo lwe-thermal ophuculweyo, i-2U ye-2U epholileyo ye-chassis ye-chassis yiyodwa ...
- Inkcazo yemveliso iguquko lwe-24 yediski ye-DEDID ixhasa ukhuseleko lwe-IPFs kwindawo yokuqhubela phambili, abaphandi badibene ngempumelelo i-IPFs yeFayile ye-Dec) ye-Isver ye-Server ye-Ded ye-Decrid kwi-Rack ye-Rack yokuGqibela ngeMeko yeDatha yokuGqibela. This innovation will revolutionize the way we store and protect sensitive information, providing powerful solutions for organizations and individuals. IPFS is a decentralized peer-t...